Saturday, 4 February 2012

Black Metal! \m/

"symbols in the sand"
 in my very first post i described how last year i had written so many different styles of music that i couldn't possibly pigeon-hole them all under one name. this is a song i wrote late on last year under my black metal moniker "baal ov". again it is me playing everything. i think all in all it took around 200 seperate tracks to record. the audacity program only allows you 16 tracks. to get over this i export the 16 tracks and re-import them as one track thus allowing me to add further tracks.
the title was originally "swastikas in the sand". i always find it easier to write black metal music during the winter months, the season lends itself well to the music. black metal in itself incorporates so many different styles. i guess it is a broad term that ranges from the stripped down apocalyptic sound of early burzum and dark throne, the folk elements that many bands including ulver and primordial integrate within their music to the majestical and epic compositions of abigor (whom are my absolute favourites in the genre).
i have a few other songs recently written in this style but not to a standard i would like. i guess maybe my next song will also be in this mode.